With the solstice behind us and the last few days of June ahead, summer is here. And the reminders are constant: warmer weather, relaxed dress codes and recurring vacation ads on television. Along with the official start of summer, the month marks an important awareness period for men’s health. Events and activities centered to encourage...Continue reading
Category: Boys
From the ER to Advocacy: One Father’s story
As a father, there is nothing more difficult than watching your child suffer. In 2001, my son was just 15 months old and very, very sick. He would spike 106-degree fevers twice a day. He literally couldn’t move a muscle because of the pain. He spent a month in an intensive care unit before they...Continue reading
A Second Look
On June 12, 2016 a community that is often marginalized became very visible through an act of violence. I was deeply shocked and angry at the carnage of human life and moved beyond words at the act of compassion displayed by the residents of Orlando and the world. Love is the defense against hate and...
Male Infertility May Predict Other Health Problems
Masculinity is a complicated thing. And there’s no more masculine way for a man to express his, well, masculinity than by making babies. That explains why being infertile or having erectile dysfunction (ED) is so strongly connected with depression (in both directions—depression itself can cause ED, and ED and/or fertility problems can cause depression). Infertility...Continue reading
This Father’s Day, Give Your Kids the Gift of Your Health
As a father, you want to protect your children and do everything you can to ensure that they lead a happy, healthy life. And the best way to do that is to be happy and healthy yourself. Summer vacation may have started, but June is about more than summer camps and backyard BBQs. It’s Men’s...Continue reading
Graduating? You have health insurance options
Congrats, graduates! Whether you’re heading into the working world or planning your next move, you have options for affordable health insurance that works for your life and your budget. Find your best options fast Under 30? Just answer a few quick questions to get a personalized guide that’ll help you make a good coverage decision....Continue reading
Your Tongue: The Window to Your Health
Your eyes may be the windows to your soul, but your tongue may be the closest thing there is to a window to your health. A healthy tongue is pink, the edges are smooth, and the surface is covered with small bumps. Those bumps are called papillae and they’re there for several reasons, one of...Continue reading
#StartAsking — What About Men and Infertility?
Infertility is often looked at as a disease that only affects women. In reality, infertility is caused by female factor and male factor equally at 30% each. In the balance of cases, the infertility is the result of both partners or unexplained. Even when the disease is not a direct result of issues with a male...Continue reading
From Penn State to Afghanistan–Why Do We See No Evil When Boys Are Sexually Abused?
When I was about 12 years old, my mother took me to visit one of her cousins. As the evening approach, she and her cousin decided to go to a concert and they left me in the care of her cousin’s husband. Since I didn’t really know him, I decided to go into one of the...Continue reading
Why Have Two in The Corner Pocket?
Growing up as a kid, you expect to find two jewels right where they belong down there. And about the size of small grapes. But did you know that 2% of boys at birth are missing a testicle? It’s just not there in the sac. Yup, undescended testicles are the most common genital birth defect. That...Continue reading