surgery & steroids

Surgery and Steroids: The Price of Being Super Human

In today’s world, the difference between success and failure is measured in milliseconds not minutes. Striving to be better, faster, and stronger, pushing the limits of human endurance… becoming super human. To reach such heights is difficult to achieve, let alone maintain. This pressure to achieve super human levels leads some to use steroids. Despite...Continue reading

orlando hate

A Second Look

On June 12, 2016 a community that is often marginalized became very visible through an act of violence. I was deeply shocked and angry at the carnage of human life and moved beyond words at the act of compassion displayed by the residents of Orlando and the world. Love is the defense against hate and...

male infertility

Male Infertility May Predict Other Health Problems

Masculinity is a complicated thing. And there’s no more masculine way for a man to express his, well, masculinity than by making babies. That explains why being infertile or having erectile dysfunction (ED) is so strongly connected with depression (in both directions—depression itself can cause ED, and ED and/or fertility problems can cause depression). Infertility...Continue reading

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