We all know that being obese increases your risk of developing all sorts of potentially deadly health conditions, including blood clots, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, and more. Most people think that those risks might reduce your lifespan by a few years—apparently not enough to shock overweight and obese people into changing their behavior. But new...Continue reading
Category: Health
What Makes the Mediterranean Diet So Great?
The problem with so many diets—especially the ones with catch names—is that the guidelines are so vague that it’s almost impossible to actually follow them. Saying “eat more fish” or “cut back on carbs” sounds nice, but what does it mean? How much fish? How much carbs? A team of researchers has just come up...Continue reading
Placing American Indian and Alaska Native Boys and Men’s Health Disparities on the Map
A group of stakeholders dedicated to raising awareness on health disparities among American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) males has collaborated with Men’s Health Network (MHN) and the Office of Minority Health to develop a brief report titled A Vision of Wellness and Health Equity for AI/AN Boys and Men. Among American Indians and Alaska...Continue reading
Money, Tea, Dental Floss, and a Full Head of Hair: Keys to Health?
What do dental floss, a full head of hair, money, and tea have in common? Not much, except that they’re all linked to better health outcomes for men. Here’s a brief overview of some fascinating new research.
Sweet Dreams: Why Sleep Is Critical to Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Sleep deprivation is a terrible thing: It messes with your brain, making you less alert and less able to think clearly. In previous articles on this site, we’ve talked about how not getting about six hours of sleep per night for long periods of time also increases your chances of being overweight. But according to...Continue reading
Men Are People Too
Did you know that only about 1 in 4 infertile men in the U.S.actually receive the medical attention that they deserve? Let’s discuss the idea of care. Real care. That means a history and physical examination along with some medical decision making in addition to the semen analysis.
More Reasons to Get a (Vitamin) D in Nutrition
A few months ago we talked about how Vitamin D affects our health in so many ways—and how the many problems a D deficiency can cause or exacerbate. And the list goes on…
When Men Suffer from “Women’s Diseases”
Many people know that although breast cancer is generally considered something that affects women, men can—and sometimes do—develop breast cancer too. But breast cancer isn’t the only “women’s disease” that affects men. Here are two more that most people don’t know about.
Man Up And Get Tested
Don’t “Fool” Around with STIs – “Man Up” and Get Tested April Fools’ Day marks the kick-off of STD Awareness Month, a month dedicated to drawing attention to the 20 million new STIs (“I” for infections) that affect people in the United States each year. The best ways to decrease the spread of STIs, including...Continue reading
7 Bad Habits of Medical Professionals
Expecting a doctor or other medical professional to be 100% perfect is unreasonable. After all, we learned in elementary school that nobody’s perfect and that’s okay. Unfortunately, some of the people we trust with our health are seriously pushing the line. Keep an eye out for these seven deadly habits that bad doctors should be...Continue reading