Suffering from a concussion can occur in any sport, and at all levels of play, from little league to the major leagues. In fact, the US Center for Disease Control estimates 1.6 million to 3.8 million concussions occur in sports and recreational activities each year. Early education and a shift in the “tough it out”...
Category: Growing Up
Au Naturel, Surgery, or the Dreaded Comb-Over: What to Do When Your Hair Falls Out
So the possibility of hair loss is looming over you. What do you do? First up, you don’t put a vacuum on your head… There are a number of reasons why hair loss strikes. It could be in your genes, the stress in your lifestyle, or for the ponytail wearers out there a lifetime of...Continue reading
Bullying: The Unpleasant Gift that Keeps on Giving
Bullies and their victims are finally getting the attention they deserve—and so are the long-lasting consequences to both victim and perpetrator. Contrary to the popular belief that bullied kids eventually outgrow the psychological and physical pain they suffered, the effect of bullying persist far into adulthood.
How The Economy Impacts Our Health
Stress can damage your immune system, making your more susceptible to getting sick. It increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. And it can make people abuse drugs and alcohol, which in turn does all sorts of damage to the body—not to mention the damage that’s done to others when stressed out people cause...Continue reading
Ouch! My Muscles Hurt! 6 Tips to Remove Lactic Acid Faster
When we work out strenuously, our muscles compensate for lack of oxygen by producing lactate, a.k.a. lactic acid, which allows the muscles to utilize glucose for energy. Once lactic acid is produced, it can remain in the muscles, causing pain and soreness that usually peaks between 24-72 hours after the vigorous workout. Unfortunately, anyone who...Continue reading
Sticks and Stones Hurt More Than Words? Better Think Again
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me,” is right up there with “Johnny and Julie siting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G….” and “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you” on the list of top annoying (yet endlessly repeated) childhood sayings.
Killing the Father: The Symbolic Quest of the Son
A man turns into a father all at once—no warning, no preparation, no classes. Many a woman starts turning into a mother in her early childhood. After all, she spends many hours pretending that she’s holding a baby, feeding it, changing its diapers, and nurturing it. Her doll is her someday child. At the dinner...Continue reading
More Deadly Differences: Who’s the Weaker Sex?
When we talk about male-female disparities in lifespan, we’re generally referring to the diseases and conditions that kill adult men and women: cancers, heart attacks, diabetes, and so on. If the discussion health disparities between male and female children and adolescents, the focus is usually on accidents and suicide—both of which end the lives of...Continue reading
Human Oral Papillomavirus—Now There’s a Real Mouthful
Now let’s be clear. Michael Douglas is not a doctor, nor does he play one on TV. But when he recently blamed his bout with throat cancer on having contracted Human Papillomavirus (HPV) from performing oral sex, he may have been on to something. In fact, according to the Oral Cancer Foundation, HPV may be...Continue reading
Why Is Sex-Ed in Schools “For Girls Only?” Forty-nine percent of boys have had sexual intercourse by the time they finish high school. One in four has an STD. Yet sex ed by and large still focuses on the needs of girls. How do we teach in ways that resonate with all students, regardless of their gender?Continue reading