June is Men’s Health Month, which makes this the perfect time to highlight the massive public health crisis that too many of us are not aware of: On average, men die five years younger than women, with African American and Native American men having the shortest life expectancy1 and die at higher rates from 9...Continue reading
Here’s How Plant-Based Eating Helps Men Stay Healthy
A diet rich in plant-based foods can help everyone stay healthy, but eating more fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains is especially important for men. (Information and studies referenced in this article refer to cisgender males.) Statistics show that men are more likely than women to smoke and drink alcohol, make unhealthy or risky choices, and put...Continue reading
Arming Teachers in Schools Is Not a Strategy
The proposal to arm teachers in Texas to solve gun violence in the schools is preposterous. While there may be individuals with the ability and training and know how to effectively guard their classrooms in addition to teaching children and performing the myriad other tasks (counseling, discipline, reporting to parents and administrators) and are willing...Continue reading
Men and Heart Disease: Prevention Is Paramount
Million Hearts 2027®: Preventing Cardiovascular Events One Heart at a Time Every 36 seconds in the United States, one adult dies from cardiovascular disease (CVD) … a life shortened because of a disease that can often be prevented. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for 1 in every 4 deaths of...
Dating For Single Parents
Dear Mr. Dad: I’ve been divorced from my ex-husband for about three years and I’m at the point where I want to start dating again. My kids (7 and 11) and I have a very close relationship and we talk about everything. But whenever I mention dating, instead of being happy for me, they get...Continue reading
Five Easy Ways to Workout with Your Kids
Parents and caregivers have a lot on their plate. Not only do they have to mentor, cook, clean, monitor, and provide, but they also have a responsibility to themselves to take care of their physical health and mental wellbeing. But carving out time for a solo workout is challenging, especially when the kids are home....Continue reading
Fertility: Not Just a Women’s Issue
Dear Healthy Men: My wife and I have been trying for seven months to have a child but haven’t had any luck. We’ve got an appointment scheduled with my wife’s OB, but I’ve been reading about how sperm counts around the world are down and I’m wondering whether our trouble conceiving could be on my...Continue reading
Fun Yoga for the Family to Enjoy Together
Deep inhale, big exhale, stretch, and relax! Try some family yoga on Monday. It will give your kids a new channel for their energy, reduce stress, and bring everyone a little lasting peace. When school starts, families can experience added anxiety and uncertainty. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that strengthens your core, builds stamina, and makes...Continue reading
Hollow Threats: Doing More Harm Than Good
Dear Mr. Dad: My husband and I have a 5-year-old son who spends a great deal of time pushing boundaries—and our buttons. The three of us were recently shopping at a giant hardware store and our son was tearing around, picking everything up and playing with it. We told him over and over to stop...Continue reading
Why Don’t We Hear About Male Victims of Crime?
Dear Healthy Men: You talk about a lot of health issues where men’s concerns are overlooked or ignored. But what about crime? We all know that men commit the majority of crimes and we often hear about female victims of crime. But why don’t we hear about male victims? A: Excellent questions. But since the word...Continue reading