This past weekend, the Prostate Cancer Research Institute held its annual conference in Los Angeles, hosting over a dozen experts on prostate health and 600 participants. According to PCRI volunteers, the purpose of the conference is to provide an avenue for those with prostate cancer and their loved ones to get more information about managing...Continue reading
No, It’s Not Seasonal Affective Disorder if it Happens Every Season
With summer rapidly drawing to a close, I pose a riddle, particularly relevant, as the days get cooler and daylight dwindles. When are competitiveness and ambition not competitiveness and ambition? When they’re depression. Okay, so it’s not much of a riddle, but as it turns out neither is the reason why 24,000 of the 31,000...Continue reading
Health Reform: What’s in it for Men?
With health reform sound bytes swirling across the media as ferociously as a September hurricane, I thought it would be helpful to assess some of the real proposals on the table. Most elements of the reform effort will surely benefit men’s health outcomes. Health insurance subsidies and ending harmful insurance market practices will allow men...Continue reading
It takes effort…
The summer of 2009 is almost over and looking back at the past two-and-a-half months, I realize that it’s been an extremely busy one. Health reform debates and symposia at various think tanks; briefings with health policy experts on the Hill; and editorials on the public option and “death panels” scatter websites and newspapers across...Continue reading
In the Market for Better Health
If you’re not familiar with a farmer’s market in your area, you’re missing out. The freshest food is grown locally, you can get some surprisingly good deals, and there’s something special about connecting with the people who are growing the food you eat. Plus, the earlier you get to your food, the more you will...Continue reading
Sleep, That Unconscious Feeling You Get Sometimes
We all wish there were more hours in a day. A little more time with our families, a few more hours of daylight to play another game of tackle football with our buddies, just an hour more to complete that last level on the new Call of Duty video game. Unfortunately most often the thing...Continue reading
All about the numbers
For a majority of men, it is all about the numbers especially sports fans. They can recite statistics of their favorite teams and players without hesitation: Lebron James, the 2009 NBA regular season MVP averaged 28 points, 7 assists and 7 rebounds last year; the Los Angeles Lakers won their 15th NBA championship, 2 behind...
Men’s Health in Public Policy by Adam Dougherty, MPH
As you may or may not be aware, health reform is THE topic of the summer in Washington, DC and men’s health has a lot to gain (and lose) in the talks. There are two bills making their way through Congress that deal specifically with men. First the good news! The resolution H. Con. Res....Continue reading
When is the right time to focus on your health?
I hope you’ve enjoyed this Independence Day. The 4th of July is a time to enjoy the big Fs: food, friends, family, fireworks – at least that’s the way it’s always been for me. This year I’ve been thinking about the personal significance of this holiday, and the recent month that just passed including Father’s...Continue reading
Forget GM, Where’s the Bailout for Our Moral Bankruptcy?
Exclusively for It’s a unique phenomenon of perception that causes us to be de-sensitized to small changes that occur over long periods of time. We’ve all fallen victim to this at some point in our lives. The extra slice of pizza each night during college that gave you the “Freshman 15”, that extra coffee...Continue reading