Masturbation: Part 2 – What Not to Do

Masturbation technique is a highly individualistic topic. Most men figured out how to give themselves an orgasm during puberty. Early on, men tend to fixate on one technique to reach climax and that becomes their technique. It’s what they do. It’s comfortable, it’s reassuring, it’s dependable, and it always works.  A guy’s personal technique, discovered...Continue reading

Masturbation: Part 1 – Let’s Talk About It

Few things are enjoyed so much, reviled so much, lied about so much, performed so much, or ignored so much, as masturbation. The topic rarely fails to spark an emotional and visceral response; laughter, disgust, titillation, arousal, awkward silence, denial, even fear. It’s no wonder that people never really talk about it. For centuries society...Continue reading

Blueberries: A Key Nutrient to a Healthier You

As spring reveals its vibrant blooms, reflecting these bright colors on our plates is a powerful step towards improved health.  The compound that pigments fruits and vegetables are called flavonoids. While these are essential to plants for pollination and protection against diseases, these same chemicals have been found to have many health benefits. In particular,...Continue reading

Steroids and Young Men – Why A “Quick Fix” Isn’t Worth It

Athletes are often great heroes and role models for young people and kids. Perseverance, hard work, dedication, devotion, sacrifice, delayed gratification are all great concepts to learn from watching others’ success. There is a reason we love to hear the stories of athletes who overcame tremendous obstacles to achieve success. It is inspiring. It gives...Continue reading

Healthy Dietary Fats: How They Affect Us?

It is a common misconception that dietary fat is bad for you and should be avoided at all costs.  In fact, fats are essential for numerous body functions, including cell membrane repair, body warmth, organ protection and energy; some vitamins, appropriately called fat-soluble vitamins, actually need fat to dissolve and be absorbed by your body. ...Continue reading

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