Reminders for Men and Women during Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

September marks Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and as a result, women throughout the United States have a valuable addition to their to-do list.  We are urging women to take advantage of this month, and remind the men in their lives to get screened.  According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, 1 in 6 men are affected...


The following is an excerpt from John Lee’s forthcoming book, Breaking the Mother-Son Dynamic, due out in 2015. One day in my mid-forties I called my mother and very gently and compassionately said, “Mom, you’re fired! I don’t need you to be mothering me anymore. In mid-life, I had been a college teacher for twelve...Continue reading

How to Attract a Financially Fit Woman (Hint: Be a Financially Savvy Man)

Arguments about money trigger worse fights than any other topic, and they are the biggest and earliest indicator that a couple is heading for a break-up, according to Kansas State University research. People fight over things such as differing beliefs about how money should be used, unmet financial expectations and disagreements about who controls the...Continue reading

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