Answers to All Your Questions About Open Enrollment

Marketplace Open Enrollment sounds a lot more complicated than it really is – but there’s still some important information you should know when considering your coverage options and how to participate in Open Enrollment.


When does marketplace Open Enrollment Begin?

Starting November 1, 2021, the Marketplace Open Enrollment at begins. Consumers
can go to to update their information or sign up for an account, enroll and select a
plan that best meets their needs. Consumers may even qualify for financial help paying for health
insurance premiums.

What’s new for 2022?
This year, more people than ever qualify for financial assistance at Consumers will
be able to find affordable health insurance plans that cover everything from doctor’s visits to
preventive health to prescription drugs.
Also, new this year, there are expanded local help options in communities to help consumers that
need assistance signing up. To find local help go to


Has financial assistance been expanded for customers at Is there financial help

Yes. Financial help is available, and it has been expanded in two ways. First, it includes more
consumers at higher income levels, and secondly, it offers even better financial assistance options
than in the past.

Starting November 1, consumers can take advantage of increased financial help on high-quality
health care plans when they enroll in coverage through The new COVID Relief law
has lowered premiums for most people with a Marketplace health plan and expanded access to
financial help for more consumers. Examples include:

  • 4 out of 5 people currently enrolled can find plans for $10/month or less after newly
    expanded financial assistance.

Millions more people qualify for help. Previously, the tax credits we call “financial help” were
available to people who made less than 400% of the federal poverty level. Now, it’s expanded to
include families that make more than that.

Some people find they are qualified for coverage in their state’s Medicaid or Children’s Health
Insurance Program (CHIP). Most Medicaid beneficiaries pay little or no premiums.

Where can people go to apply for coverage and financial help?
Marketplace Open Enrollment begins November 1. People can apply for health insurance at It is easier than ever.

If you bought coverage through last year, why should you check again this year?
Every year, health plan options change in cost, coverage, and participating providers, which is why it
is important for consumers with plans to come back to and compare plans as they
may find something better

How can consumers find local help in their communities?
Customers can get help filling out their application by calling the Marketplace call center at 1-800-
318-2596 (TTY is 855-889-4325) with assistance in 230+ languages. The Marketplace call center is
open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Additionally, consumers can also find a local assister or agent/broker in their area:

Where can people go for more information?
Consumers should go to for more information on the Marketplace Open Enrollment


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