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A simple way to know your options if you’re having chest pain

Patients reporting chest pain account for about 6.5 million visits to American emergency rooms, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says. Most are not heart attacks, the CDC says, but patients often don’t understand their options and therefore can’t make informed decisions about their care. It’s tough to get men with chest pain into the... CONTINUE READING

prepare for vasectomy

How to Prepare for a Vasectomy

The COVID pandemic has been very clarifying for you. You really don’t want more/any children. She has “pulled the goalie” and it’s time for you to step up and take control of things. After a bit of online research, you realize that your options are pretty limited: pulling out, abstinence, condoms…and vasectomy. Luckily, vasectomy happens to be the... CONTINUE READING

Fighting prostate cancer in the Mississippi Delta, one man at a time

In the impoverished communities of the Mississippi Delta, where prostate cancer death rates are more than 28 men per 100,000, residents were leery about the concept of research. Delta residents were deeply concerned about exploitation and feared that participating in cancer research would make them guinea pigs. So Freddie White-Johnson created a community cancer outreach... CONTINUE READING

Authorities fear COVID-19 is making opioid abuse worse

The opioid abuse epidemic in the United States was already urgent when the COVID-19 pandemic began, but health authorities fear the virus has made the opioid epidemic even worse. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report released in December 2020 notes that 10 western states saw opioid overdoses increase in that year. Most... CONTINUE READING

unsolicited advice

Dealing with Unsolicited Fertility Advice from Others

They’re probably just trying to help, but getting an earful of advice from others about your infertility issue can be incredibly uncomfortable. And belittling. And distressing. Like you haven’t already been endlessly researching options and talking with providers. Untargeted infertility advice is often way off target…and it just keeps coming. But, although no one has... CONTINUE READING

COVID-19 isolation contributes to mental health issues for men and boys

COVID-19’s isolation may be necessary for physical health, but it’s causing a torrent of mental health problems for boys and young men that are worsening as the pandemic drags on. Family members, friends and work colleagues can play an important part in monitoring the mental health of the men and boys they care about. The... CONTINUE READING

what women need to know about men's health

What Women Need to Know About Men’s Health

Dear Healthy Men: As a wife, daughter, sister, and mother of two boys, I’m surrounded by men. What do I need to know about men’s health? A: I’ve always maintained that men’s health is a women’s issue, since when men are healthier, their partners become healthier too (along with their children and communities). Here are the... CONTINUE READING