Championing Men’s Health in North Dakota

Nationwide, men are more likely than women to engage in unhealthy and unsafe behavior, and the same can be said for men in North Dakota. In this article, Contributing Author, Hannah Hanson, offers insight into the ways North Dakota and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are taking charge of this disparity and implementing key programs to improve lifelong outcomes for men and boys.Continue reading

Nutrition as We Age: Healthy Eating with the Dietary Guidelines

Good nutrition across the lifespan helps prevent chronic disease — and we know that it’s never too late to make improvements to support healthy aging. Older adults are at greater risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer — as well as health conditions related to changes in muscle and bone mass, such...Continue reading

Authorities fear COVID-19 is making opioid abuse worse

The opioid abuse epidemic in the United States was already urgent when the COVID-19 pandemic began, but health authorities fear the virus has made the opioid epidemic even worse. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report released in December 2020 notes that 10 western states saw opioid overdoses increase in that year. Most...

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