What Health Experts Are Doing To Better Diagnose And Treat Mental Health Disorders

What Health Experts Are Doing to Better Diagnose and Treat Mental Health Disorders

Society as a whole has been late to come around to the idea that mental disorders and diseases can be diagnosed and actively treated. Mental health professionals and healthcare experts have adopted many new techniques and strategies over the years to help mental illness sufferers and their families live healthy, productive lives.   Educating Families...Continue reading

Prostate Cancer: Cyberknife vs. Robotic Surgery

What is Cyberknife? Cyberknife is a form of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) and robotic-assisted radiosurgery (not actual surgery) that utilizes a computerized robot to automatically deliver high doses of radiation to the prostate gland. Fiducials are implanted into the body so that the Cyberknife machine can adjust to movement during each treatment. Who is...Continue reading

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