We all have numbers that are important to us. Our anniversary date, the number of friends and family we will invite to our daughter’s wedding, maybe even the number of calories per day we’re going to try and maintain through our next (and this time it’s going to work) diet. But there are six numbers...Continue reading
Tag: life expectancy
How to Save Your Husband’s Life
Dear Mr. Dad: My husband is a smart guy, but pays zero attention to his health. I resent that the responsibility has fallen to me, but I don’t have much of a choice. What can I do to help him—and to keep my son from becoming just like his dad? A: Your husband is far...Continue reading
The Feds are Backing Biomarkers for Men’s Health!
Ever been to your local DMV? Maybe you needed to register a car, or get or replace your driver’s license. As a dedicated old car guy, and putting it nicely, I have not found the DMV to be a good model of our government’s ability to run smoothly, work efficiently or adapt quickly. However, don’t...Continue reading
Why Does U.S. Expectancy Lag Behind Other Countries?
If you look at the raw data on life expectancy at birth in industrialized countries, you’ll notice right away that Americans are pretty close to the bottom of the pile. And while life expectancy in the US has increased over time, we haven’t kept pace with other high-income countries. The fact that Americans live shorter...Continue reading
American Men (and Women) Have Shorter Lives Than Counterparts in Other Rich Nations
On average, Americans die sooner and experience higher rates of disease and injury than people in other high-income countries, says a new report from the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine. The report finds that this health disadvantage exists at all ages from birth to age 75 and that even advantaged Americans — those...