There’s no shortage of “natural” penis pills for sale. How much is snake oil and how much is actual snake? Much of what is advertised is misleading and some is even dangerous. Instead of stretching your schlong, these products are often just pulling your leg. Many dick pills are neither all of what they claim to...Continue reading
Tag: libido
Sex in the 10th Decade
He was close to 90 years old and came to see me wondering whether he could still have sex. A widower for several decades, he had just met a “younger” woman, a sprite 75 year old, and he was feeling things he hadn’t felt for years. There was fire in his loins. What impressed me most about...Continue reading
Libido and Erections: Birds of a Feather
I take care of lots of men with erection dysfunction. I also take care of lots of men with low sex drive. And, as you can imagine, I see a lot of men with both issues. And this is where men’s health gets really interesting. Inside My Mind I think of erections and libido as...Continue reading