When you think of the top causes of death in this country, things like cancer, heart attacks, and diabetes come to mind. But what about salt? Yep, that seemingly harmless stuff that’s in practically everything we eat may be responsible for as many as 1 in 10 deaths in the US. And worldwide, excessive salt...Continue reading
Tag: heart health
Say “I Do” to Reducing Heart Attack Risk
Over the years, there have been a number of studies that show that marriage is good for men—that married men are generally healthier and less prone to a variety of illnesses than unmarried me. But according to a new study from Finland, it turns out that marriage is good for women too. In fact, wives...Continue reading
Haven’t Had a Flu Shot Yet? You Neet to Put Your Heart in It
We’ve talked about how important it is to get flu shots. Influenza kills thousands every year and many of those deaths could have been prevented with the vaccine. But if that isn’t enough to get you to roll up your sleeve and make a fist, consider this: Getting a flu shot may keep you from...Continue reading
September 20th is FH Awareness Day
September 20th is FH Awareness Day. So you ask yourself; what does this mean to you and your loved ones? FH, or Familial Hypercholesterolemia, is a genetic cholesterol disorder that leads to premature vascular disease. In the most severe circumstances, very young children can experience life-threatening heart attacks and strokes. Typically however, the disease does...Continue reading
Want a Sweet Way to Reduce Stroke and Cardiovascular Risk? Try Chocolate
There’s a growing body of research that cocoa (either in chocolate or straight) may reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular problems. In two papers written by researchers at Harvard’s School of Public Health, consuming flavonoid-rich cocoa (FRC) was associated with decreased blood pressure, improved blood vessel health, blood flow, and improved...Continue reading