Men and Body Image: Guys Lose 2x the Weight in All-Male Groups Than in Co-ed Ones

It’s long been acknowledged that overweight women prefer to exercise and attend weight-management classes with other women. Surprisingly, it turns out that men may have the same body-image issues. Research presented at the recent European Congress on Obesity in Lyon, France, found that men enrolled in a 12-week, all-male weight loss class drooped an average...Continue reading

Coffee with Sam: An Interview with Cal Orey, Author of Five Books on Healing Powers of Food

I recently had the opportunity to have a virtual cup of coffee and chat with Cal Orey.  Author of five books about the healing powers of food, she is inspired by Mother Nature, health, relationships, and animals.  What kinds of foods can heal you?  I have no idea, you will have to read what Cal...Continue reading

Diet Can Feminize the Average Male

In a recent 2012 article in Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, there was an excellent discussion on the impact of estrogen on men. It points out that increased intracellular estrogen levels in men induce and promote obesity, gynecomastia, metabolic syndrome, type two diabetes, benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer. The problem is that with increased estrogen, relative testosterone...Continue reading

Informed decision making with prostate cancer screening options: ‘WHY’?

The focus of prostate cancer prevention research has switched FROM advocating for screening TO advocating for informed decision-making among men. In other words, we are now trying to inform men of their options and advocate that they have an open and honest dialogue with their physician on their treatment options. Joseph-Williams et al (2010) looks...Continue reading

New Men’s Health Website Launched by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

A new men’s health website called Healthy Men was launched today by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).  AHRQ falls under the U.S Department of Health & Human Services.  It primarily functions as a research agency and additionally provides research grants to academic institutions, private entities, and public organizations.

Download “A Woman’s Guide to Prostate Cancer Treatment: Supporting the Man in Your Life”!

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is stressful enough – sorting through treatment options and seeking a second or third opinion can be overwhelming for the prostate cancer patient and loved ones. That is why Women Against Prostate Cancer (WAPC) has developed the booklet, A Woman’s Guide to Prostate Cancer Treatment: Supporting the Man in Your Life,...Continue reading

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