We all know that men live shorter, less-healthy lives than women. Part of the problem is that men’s and women’s bodies respond differently to the same condition. And far too often, those differences kill. The bottom line is that despite attempts to treat men and women the same way, we’re different. And those differences often...Continue reading
Tag: depression
Pay More Attention to Young Men’s Mental Health
A recent report on the mental health of young men (ages 16-25) in Australia, is attracting a lot of attention from mental health professionals, parents, politicians, teachers, and, of course, the guys. One of the study’s key discoveries was that a fifth of young men say that life isn’t worth living and one in 10...Continue reading
More Fascinating D-scoveries (bout Vitamin D)
It seems like every day there’s more interesting news about the benefits of vitamin D. Here are a few of the most recent: We’ve all physically overdone it at some point—say, by lifting more than you should have, running or biking or swimming further than you should have, playing basketball longer than you should have,...Continue reading
For Men, Time Spent with Family Members Can Be a Lifesaver
There’s plenty of research that shows that people (men and women) who spend time with friends have higher levels of well-being than those who don’t. Makes sense, doesn’t it? A new study just published in a British health journal went a step further. It turns out that having a wide circle of close relatives (outside...Continue reading
The hair-raising side effects of a baldness drug
Most men who have hair transplants or take drugs to combat baldness do it for one reason: they think they look better with hair. I’m sure there are many men who want to look better simply for themselves. But I’m betting that the majority of men are trying to look better to potential mates. And...Continue reading
Head Injuries in the NFL and Beyond
There are few things more satisfying than watching a rival quarterback receive a blind-side sack or seeing your team’s DB lay out a receiver on an incomplete pass in slow-mo. Of course, this is only true as long as the recipient is able to get up and walk off the field, as nobody would actually...Continue reading
No, It’s Not Seasonal Affective Disorder if it Happens Every Season
With summer rapidly drawing to a close, I pose a riddle, particularly relevant, as the days get cooler and daylight dwindles. When are competitiveness and ambition not competitiveness and ambition? When they’re depression. Okay, so it’s not much of a riddle, but as it turns out neither is the reason why 24,000 of the 31,000...Continue reading