What is Herbal Viagra and what did it do to Lamar Odom?

Over-The-Counter Viagra for Erectile Dysfunction As a urologist at Urology Associates, with over 10 years of expertise in erectile dysfunction and sexual medicine, I’m often asked about the legitimacy and safety of over-the-counter (OTC) herbal “Viagra” supplements that are made to assist with erections. This year, these inquiries skyrocketed following the tragic news of Lamar Odom’s overdose at...Continue reading

Stop the Invisible Injury–Parents and Coaches Share the Responsibility, Part 2

This is Part 2 of our 2-part series. In Part 1, we talked about the prevalence of concussions, the signs and symptoms, and the important role parents and coaches play in preventing and treating them.   Based on a foundation of competition and physical perseverance, it’s hard to withstand the “win at all costs” pressure...Continue reading

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