You’ve driven the same old car for years. Now, all of a sudden, you just have to have the newest Corvette? Do you find yourself obsessing about others half the age of your spouse? Are you feeling really old and depressed around the younger bucks at work? Are your sex drive and erections plummeting faster...Continue reading
Tag: biological clock
Men Have Biological Clocks, Too–and They Tick Just as Loudly
Children conceived by women over 35 are known to have and increased risk of being born with Down syndrome and a variety of other birth defects. But a brand new study just revealed that the father’s age is important too. Children of older fathers are at increased risk of developing autism and schizophrenia.
The Sperm Project
The signs that your partner is getting ready to nest may be as subtle as an earth quake. Suddenly babies are being put into your arms at every family function with everyone making chirping sounds about what a good father you would make. Books with baby-making tips and parenting advice may have found its way...Continue reading