Survival Parenting Tips for Remote Working Dads

As a Dad working from home, you have your hands full trying to juggle both work and child care. Wouldn’t it be great if you could reduce some of your childcare responsibilities so that you could focus more of your attention on your job?

Well, you’re in the right place.  Talking About Men’s Health shares some essential survival tips for Dads to help you maximize your productivity in your home office.


The Challenges of Remote Working Dads

Remote working dads face a lot of challenges. They are often away from their spouse and kids, they may not have the support network of co-workers, and they may not be able to find the balance that they need to be successful in both their work and their family life.

How to Reduce Stress from Work

If you’re a remote working dad, it can be tough to balance work and parenting. It’s okay if you’re feeling some stress from balancing the two roles. Here are some survival parenting tips for remote working dads:

Try taking breaks throughout the day to call or video chat with your kids and spend time with them. You’ll feel less guilty about missing them if you stay connected throughout the day.

Set up a routine so that your child knows when they will see you on any given day. This will help set boundaries so that you can focus on your work without distractions.

You may need to take care of yourself before taking care of someone else. If your health is suffering, it can impact how well you parent and do your job at work. So be sure to set aside time to care for yourself each day. This can include exercise, yoga, or meditation.

It might be worth talking to your employer about reducing your workload so that you can focus on other areas in life while still maintaining your current level of success in both areas. It’s important to spend time with your family, so if your current workload is taking away from that, you might need to make some changes.


Switching Careers and Online Degree Programs

When you’re a remote working dad, this can be especially challenging. You want to be there for important moments, but you also need to keep your job. If you can’t get your employer to accommodate your home-life needs, it might be time to switch careers or go back to school.

The same is true if you’re in a job that’s no longer challenging. Either way, switching careers can be beneficial. Online degree programs make it easy to work full-time and keep up with your studies. Plus, there are degree programs that span multiple industries, so it’s much easier to find one that matches your interests.

Remember, it’s not always necessary to stay at the same company from graduation until retirement! If you’re considering a career change into something that better suits your lifestyle or family needs, consider earning a degree online today!


Wrap Up

It’s no secret that being a remote working Dad comes with its challenges. Whether you are just starting out as a remote working dad or you have been at it for a while, these tips will help you to reduce stress and make the best of your situation. Remember that it is possible to survive as a remote working dad and take care of your family, as well!

Photo by William Fortunato/Pexels


Janice Russell

View posts by Janice Russell
Janice Russell believes the only way to survive parenthood is to find the humor in it. She created Parenting Disasters so that parents would have a go-to resource whenever they needed a laugh, but also to show parents they aren’t alone. She wants every frazzled parent out there to remember that for every kid stuck in a toilet, there’s another one out there somewhere who’s just graced their parents’ walls with some Sharpie artwork! 

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