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Talking to Your Kids About Substance Abuse, Part 1
Drug and alcohol abuse in children is mostly preventable through education and parental support. Yet thousands of teenagers, are forced to enter substance abuse treatment each year. How can you help you child avoid this? Talking with them about the risks of drug or alcohol abuse can help inform them on things they may or... CONTINUE READING→
We All Have Emotions—Men and Women Just Express Them Differently
Dear Mr. Dad: I’ve noticed that since I became a dad, I’ve been much more emotional. Is that normal? A: In a word, yes. People often complain that men are “out of touch” with our emotions or that we suppress them. Before I became a dad, I think I might have agreed. But since then, I... CONTINUE READING→
Have You Hit Your Sexual Peak?
When do we hit our peak? Well that depends on how you define peak. Peak muscular strength in men occurs around age 26. In terms of smarts, Nobel Prize winners make their big discoveries at an average age of 40 years. And, as you might already know, men peak emotionally even later, at 50 years. But do... CONTINUE READING→
When Love Turns to Hate: Sexual Obsession and Violence in Relationships
I’ve been in love and I’ve been obsessed with love. I wrote the book, Looking for Love in All The Wrong Places: Overcoming Romantic and Sexual Addictions and shared my own experiences as a therapist and recovering sex addict. “Many of us are addicts, only we don’t know it,” says Dr. Stanton Peele, an authority on addictions.... CONTINUE READING→
When Communication Breaks Down, Part 2
In last week’s column, we talked about what to do when, despite your best efforts, your relationship with your partner is about to end. Strategies we discussed included getting legal advice, considering alternatives to litigation, and understanding that there’s no such thing as “winning” custody. This week I want to share a few more strategies... CONTINUE READING→
Are the Sons of Infertile Men Also Infertile?
There are certain questions in life that have never been answerable until now. For example, given that many human diseases are treatable, how long can we actually live? It took the jet age for us to figure out just how much g-force the human body can handle. And it’s only been a hundred years or... CONTINUE READING→
Some Health Conditions for Men to Know
Life is full of the unexpected, but your health may give you some surprises too. Some of the conditions to stumble upon are only experienced by men. Many of these cases have remedies that work, so don’t lose heart if you have a challenge headed your way. A change in diet, a little more with... CONTINUE READING→
This Truth About Males and Females Will Change Your View of Sex, Love, and Life Forever
In my latest book, 12 Rules for Good Men, that will come out later this year, I explore what I’ve learned in the last fifty years doing men’s work. In it, I report on a new study that offers startling new evidence to support the reality that there are significant, brain-based differences between males and females. My... CONTINUE READING→
When Communication Breaks Down, Part 1
Dear Mr. Dad: You often write about how couples can improve their communication and how that communication can protect their relationship. But what about after the relationship ends, which is what’s happening with my girlfriend and me? A: It may sound strange, but communication during and after a divorce or breakup is still critical. First, maintaining... CONTINUE READING→
Can You Be Too Fit to Be Fertile?
It’s well known that women athletes can stop having regular periods if they exercise too much. Termed “exercise-induced amenorrhea,” this prevents pregnancy during times of extreme physiological stress. Think of it as Darwin would: Why would you want to bear children as a cavewoman running for your life? Survival Comes First The mechanism for this... CONTINUE READING→