Member Directory

Barb works with corporations, schools, senior centers, and community organizations to help people connect more
deeply to themselves, to each other, and to the opportunities in their lives. Her workshops are geared to help people find
strengths in their commonalities, sparking meaningful connections and kindling relationships. She's all about increasing happiness and profitability, and decreasing bullying and depression, helping friendships evolve, partnerships develop, and aha moments occur.
Connect with Barabara on twitter @BarbAbramson or read more from her at:

Gary Fitzgerald is managing editor with Allergy & Asthma Network, a nonprofit patient education and advocacy organization dedicated to ending the needless death and suffering due to asthma, allergies and related conditions. Visit

Dr. Alfred O. Bonati revolutionized the field of spine surgery. He developed a new set of treatments based on his work with lasers, e.g., Holmium YAG, and received FDA approval for the use of that laser for the first time on the human spine as part of his patented procedures. The Bonati Spine Procedures are highly successful and reflect over 94% patient satisfaction. More than 45,000 successful procedures have been performed at The Bonati Spine Institute since 1981. Dr. Bonati continues to lead the way in the study of laser technologies to treat cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine problems. Outside of his professional duty to look after the well-being of his patients, Dr. Bonati seeks to better the lives of the members of his community through his commitment to charitable service.

Brad is a freelance health writer who loves learning more about fitness and putting his theories to the test. When not exercising he can be found drumming, reading or perusing the local farmers market.

Darryl Mitteldorf is the Founder and Executive Director, Malecare

Dr. James Underberg, M.D., is a clinical assistant professor of medicine and clinical lipidologist at New York University Medical School and the NYU Center for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease. He is also a member of the board of directors of the National Lipid Association.

Nancy C. Lee, M.D., is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Women's Health and the Director of the Office on Women's Health (OWH) in the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). At OWH, Dr. Lee oversees a staff of about 30 who work together to accomplish the OWH mission: provide leadership and coordination to improve the health of women and girls through policy, education, and model programs. Dr. Lee also chairs the Coordinating Committee on Women's Health (CCWH), which was formed in 1984 to advise the Assistant Secretary for Health on activities across HHS that safeguard and improve the physical and mental health of women and girls. The CCWH includes senior‐level representatives from each of the HHS agencies.

Ana Fadich, MPH, CHES - Washington, D.C. - As Executive Vice President of Men's Health Network, acting in the capacity of chief operating officer, she oversees the execution of various programs and services related to outreach and health promotion, and the organization's various web platforms. She also supervises the organization’s international activities and relationships.

MHN is a national non-profit, educational health organization dedicated to improving the health and well being of men and their families, where they live, work, play and pray.

As a certified health educator (CHES), Ana develops targeted disease education materials & programs for men and their families on various health topics and leads discussions with participants at various community events in an effort to reduce health disparities that exist in underserved communities in the US.