The focus of prostate cancer prevention research has switched FROM advocating for screening TO advocating for informed decision-making among men. In other words, we are now trying to inform men of their options and advocate that they have an open and honest dialogue with their physician on their treatment options. Joseph-Williams et al (2010) looks...Continue reading
Category: Policy
Metabolic Syndrome
“Metabolic Syndrome” is a relatively new term that is used to describe people who are at elevated risk for heart disease. As in many things, the definition varies depending on who is doing the defining, but the outcome is agreed upon by all concerned. Metabolic Syndrome is present in 50% of all people with coronary...Continue reading
Reality and Real Men: Opening up About Men’s Mental Health Issues
Depression and anxiety have been diagnosed at unprecedented levels in this country for years, and seem to only rise in concordance with the pace and demands of our time. Further, in an America that today is so identified with stress and success, not to mention the heightened burdens of economic struggle, we often ignore our...Continue reading
Salt, Processed Meat, and Cancer
The following essay is the first in a new series of authored pieces where Dr. Michael J. Rovito comments on and critiques new research focusing on topics related to men’s health. This commentary series is meant to help translate sometimes confusing, jargon-filled research into a format that is easily digestible by all readers concerned about...Continue reading
Defending Boundaries
The following post is an excerpt from John Lee’s new book “24 Things To Increase the Emotional Intelligence of Your Man.” To find other books by John Lee visit his website and
Why Don’t Men Take Care of Themselves?
So, here we are, resolution time. ‘Course, we’ve been there before, and we all know how those prior resolutions fared. There isn’t one of us who doesn’t know about something he ought to work on and improve, whether it be gym time, weight issues, relationship issues, work/personal time balance. What gets in our way? Why...Continue reading
4 Ways to Stick to Your New Year Resolution
With the New Year approaching, many people will be making promises to themselves in the form of New Year Resolutions. If the resolution was not something you had difficulty with and knew you could get through it you would probably save it for Lent (tongue-in-cheek). So in the spirit of helping you stick to your...Continue reading
The 50 Best Brain Foods
Here are the 50 Best Brain Foods as presented in Change Your Brain Change Your Body. 1. Almonds, raw 2. Almond milk, unsweetened 3. Apples 4. Asparagus 5. Avocados
Physician Incentives: A Comparison of Norwegian & American Supply & Demand
The following blog is by a Martin Klingvall, a Norwegian medical student. Martin was visiting the U.S. because, as I understand it, half his class was deferred from going into medical school. The students take the time to travel and study abroad. Martin tried to get the full American experience during his time here. He...Continue reading
The Importance of Father-Son Proximity and Initiation into the Masculine Culture
Friday after Thanksgiving was a lazy, windy, cold and gray day in Washington, D.C. I nearly forgot I had scheduled to meet a friend because he had expressed an interest in getting involved in men’s health issues. I got to our meeting place early, grabbed a hot chocolate to warm up, and a Wall Street...Continue reading