testicular cancer awareness

Do You Have Testicular Cancer? The U.S. Preventive Service Task Force Doesn’t Want You to Know

I am a 22-year-old man, and I have some questions for men of whom I am concerned. Gentlemen, have you had any action down there lately? No, I meant have you self-checked your testicles for any abnormalities – bumps, lumps, or humps? Regardless of your activity or lack thereof down south, you should. According to...Continue reading

birth defects and fertility

Birth Defects, Fertility and Fatherhood

Ever wonder about the future fertility of children born with birth defects? As a urologist, I’ve treated hundreds of boys with two common birth defects: undescended testicles and hypospadias. Throughout my career, it’s been hard to address the question of a boy’s future fertility with these conditions. Until now. Missing in Action Birth defects occur in 3% of U.S. newborns....Continue reading

family jewels

Being as Kind as You Can to Your Fellow Man’s Jewels

The Case of the Month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinics. In my life and work, I have always believed in the mantra of the modernist architect Mies van der Rohe that “less is more”. However, as a card-carrying member of the real world, my mantra is really “less can be more.” Especially when it comes to...Continue reading

which body part predicts overall health

Which Body Part Predicts a Man’s Health Issues?

Sexual issues may signal other health problems that can affect younger men. Men, if you’re experiencing bedroom performance problems or any discomforts down under, don’t ignore them. Not only can trouble below the belt sideline your sex life, it may also be an early warning sign of disease. “The penis can be the barometer of...Continue reading

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