biology is no longer destiny

Biology is No Longer Destiny and You Can Now Vastly Improve Your Health, Sex, and Love Life.

Most of us believe that our genes determine everything from the levels of testosterone we are born with to how long we will live. But the new science of epigenetics shows that we can take back control of our lives and actually change the way our genes work. That’s good news for everyone, but particularly...Continue reading

Does a Vasectomy Affect Your Sex Life?

As he was leaving after his vasectomy procedure, he suddenly turned around. With a big smile, and with the highest bird-chirp-shrill of a voice, he said: “Nice job, doc! Didn’t feel a thing!” And with that, he summed up the grass-roots understanding of what a vasectomy is: a male neutering exercise. Sorry guys, but that’s not the case!...Continue reading

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