Distant family history indicates prostate cancer risk

New research says having a distant relatives with prostate cancer can indicate a man’s risk of developing the disease himself, according to a new study from the Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah. The study was recently published in the journal Prostate. Having a family history of prostate cancer is one of the...Continue reading

Boiled coffee lowers prostate cancer risk

A new study from Norway found that men who drink boiled coffee may have a lower risk of prostate cancer. The study was conducted by Dr. Aage Tverdal of the Department of Pharmacoepidemiology at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and was published in the British Journal of Cancer. The study came after a report published in...Continue reading

Exercise increases prostate cancer survival

A new study from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden has found that men with localized prostate cancer who exercise have better survival rates than men who don’t exercise. The study was published in December 2014 in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. In the past, research has suggested that exercise could reduce prostate...Continue reading

Meaningful Moments from 2014

What a year! 2014 was certainly one of exploration and adventure and I am not just talking about the stock market, the Affordable Care Act or oil prices. In the realm of men’s health, here are some personal highlights: Testosterone comes under attack. The “elixir of life” for men became tainted with FDA warnings of associations with heart...Continue reading

Elevated PSA, Negative Biopsies: What does this mean?

“My PSA is elevated, but I keep having negative biopsies. What does this mean?” This is a common question among many men under the care of a urologist. If you are familiar with prostate cancer, you know that having an elevated or rising PSA (prostate-specific antigen) may mean you have prostate cancer. While there are...Continue reading

Vitamin D may prevent prostate cancer growth

Researchers at the University of Colorado Cancer Center have found that vitamin D can help block a protein that causes prostate tumors to grow. Published in the journal Prostate, they discovered that inflammation may be the link between vitamin D and prostate cancer. They found that the gene GDF-15 – known to be up-regulated by...Continue reading

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