Driving for men to drive home the point that men’s health matters Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt and Dr. Sijo Parekattil, Co-Directors of The PUR Clinic (Personalized Urology & Robotics Clinic at South Lake Hospital, in affiliation with Orlando Health) contributed this post to Talking About Men’s Health 10 days, 70 locations, 6,000 miles, and one goal:...Continue reading
Category: Others
Cross-country Road Trip Drives Home Urgent Point: Men Need to Make Health a Priority
Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt and Dr. Sijo Parekattil, Co-Directors of The PUR Clinic (Personalized Urology & Robotics Clinic at South Lake Hospital, in affiliation with Orlando Health) contributed this post to Talking About Men’s Health It’s no secret that most men don’t like going to the doctor. Admittedly, there are times even I avoid it....Continue reading
Essential Cancer Prevention Tips for Men
Cancer. Just the name sparks fear in the hearts of men all around the world. Whether you’re talking about lung cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, or any of the other numerous forms, cancer is frightening and too often deadly. However, it doesn’t have to get you. While genetic predisposition certainly plays a role in...Continue reading
25 blood disorders you should know about
Blood disorders that affect red blood cells: Anemia: Low red blood cell count. With a mild case of anemia, people do not usually experience any symptoms. However, when anemia becomes severe, it often causes symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, and pale skin. Sickle cell anemia: An inherited condition in which there are not...Continue reading
The Tracker Solution
If you’ve ever had an EKG or EEG, you know how uncomfortable all those wires, pads, and tape can be—especially if you’ve had to stay connected overnight. Well, all that discomfort may be a thing of the past, thanks to researchers at Northwestern University who have created a thin, comfortable patch that wirelessly sends all...Continue reading
Buried Penis: When Your Penis Is the Prize
I was recently speaking with a urologist about “radical” circumcision, a procedure where pretty much all of the foreskin is removed from the penis. He told me that the removal of too much skin may lead to a condition called “buried penis.” I never heard of buried penis before, and I was intrigued, so I...Continue reading
Flu? Cold? How to Tell the Difference
First it was the coughing, and then the congestion. Just a cold, I thought. No big deal. So off I went to work. The next morning, my body temperature had soared to 103.8. This was no cold – a visit to my doctor confirmed I had the flu. It got worse. A few days later,...
How to Clean Teeth without a Toothbrush
In recognition of October being National Dental Hygiene Month, the Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics wanted to share some tips and advice for how to clean your teeth when you do not have a toothbrush. There are times when you are out and about and you do not have a toothbrush readily available but...Continue reading
What you need to know about the Ebola Virus
On Tuesday, the CDC reported that a man who travelled from Liberia to Texas has been found to have Ebola. Now that the first case of Ebola has been confirmed in the US by health officials, the importance of educating ourselves on what this disease is and how it can be prevented becomes even...Continue reading
Sperm and Testosterone: A Love-Hate Relationship
He stood there looking at me, as deflated as an old circus balloon. “Doc, I heard that testosterone is important for my fertility, so that’s why I started taking it. I had no idea my sperm count would drop!” It’s Complicated Sure, testosterone is good for you. It’s critical for good overall health and for...Continue reading