Benefits of Weightlifting

Sure-fire, get-in-the-best-shape-of-your-life-or-your-money-back fitness fads have been around for thousands of years. Just in my lifetime, I’ve seen Boot Camps, Bowflex, CrossFit, Hula Hooping, Insanity, Jazzecise, Kettle Bells, P90X, Pilates, Pole Dancing, Spinning, Tabata—and that’s by no means a complete list. Over the years (centuries really), there’s been one method that won’t ever show up on...Continue reading

wearable men's health tech

Men’s HealthTech: Adding the Warmth of Wisdom

What’s a great way to get health information about men? Why wearables, of course.  In 2016, there were 325 million wearable devices in the world. That’s “big data” territory by any measure. But have wearables actually improved the health of men? In a word, no. Or not yet anyway. Stay Home Medicine But there’s a 2.0 movement in men’s healthtech: entirely digital...Continue reading

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