A report published by The Lancet medical journal found that sleep issues are a major problem for many Americans, with nearly one-quarter of adults unhappy with their quality of sleep. Prescription medications to induce a good night’s sleep are a common solution; however, they’ve become a new focus for the Food and Drug Administration due...Continue reading
Category: Mental Health
Au Naturel, Surgery, or the Dreaded Comb-Over: What to Do When Your Hair Falls Out
So the possibility of hair loss is looming over you. What do you do? First up, you don’t put a vacuum on your head… There are a number of reasons why hair loss strikes. It could be in your genes, the stress in your lifestyle, or for the ponytail wearers out there a lifetime of...Continue reading
Bullying: The Unpleasant Gift that Keeps on Giving
Bullies and their victims are finally getting the attention they deserve—and so are the long-lasting consequences to both victim and perpetrator. Contrary to the popular belief that bullied kids eventually outgrow the psychological and physical pain they suffered, the effect of bullying persist far into adulthood.
Problem? There’s a Pill for That. Well, Maybe…
Over the past few decades, medical advances have improved the quality–and length–of life for millions. And we’ve gotten so used to relying on pills that we’ve gotten ourselves into some serious trouble. In short, we’re taking way more medication than we need to. And our health is suffering as a result. The infographic below illustrates...Continue reading
How The Economy Impacts Our Health
Stress can damage your immune system, making your more susceptible to getting sick. It increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. And it can make people abuse drugs and alcohol, which in turn does all sorts of damage to the body—not to mention the damage that’s done to others when stressed out people cause...Continue reading
Wise up, Man
When was the last time you saw a doctor? Well, if you’re a guy 50 or over, it’s probably been a while. And do you know the signs of cancer? There’s a pretty good chance you don’t. According to a recent survey of 12,000 men, nearly half wouldn’t recognize the red flags. There’s little doubt...Continue reading
Psoriasis Linked to Diabetes: Risk is Highest with Severe Psoriasis; Men Need to Be Screened for Diabetes
November is National Diabetes Month and the roughly 3.75 million men in the U.S. with psoriasis—the most common autoimmune disease in the country, affecting roughly 7.5 million Americans—are at increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes.
Living with Prostate Cancer: It’s Complicated
I guess it’s part of the male provider-protector thing: A recent survey found that men with advanced prostate cancer worry more about burdening their family and friends than about dying. That’s only one surprising fact from a fascinating and sometimes puzzling survey called The Advanced Prostate Cancer Patient and Caregiver Burden of Illness Study.Continue reading
5 Unhealthy Ways Men Deal with Rejection
Rejections are the emotional cuts and scrapes of daily life. We get turned down by romantic partners, our colleagues get together without inviting us, our spouses rebuff our sexual advances, our neighbors don’t invite us to their holiday parties, and our friends ignore our posts and Tweets on social media platforms.
Be a Dad First, Then a Friend
MHN advisor and syndicated columnist, Armin Brott, recently heard from a single dad who’s having some trouble with his relationship with his 13-year-old daughter. The problem is that the dad’s relationship with his daughter has been more as friends than as father-daughter. He feels guilty about the long hours he works and about not providing...Continue reading