On November 21, 1969 I welcomed my son, Jemal, into the world. I vowed I would be a different kind of father than my father could be for me and I would do my best to create a world that was supportive of men, women, and children. That was birth of MenAlive. But the roots...
Category: Mental Health
How to Get Financially Fit: Advice from an NFL All-Pro
If life in the NFL taught me one thing, it’s this: the future comes up quicker than you think. One day, I was a first-round draft pick. The next day, I was a Pro-Bowler. The day after that I was retired and asking myself, “OK, Ken, what’s next?” Getting financially fit is no different than...Continue reading
Things Real Men Should Talk About with Other Real Men
They used to say that real men don’t eat quiche. If that was ever true, real men didn’t know what they were missing. This highly informed group only known as they also were absolutely certain that real men didn’t cry. I guess they never watched a football game. If you listen to them, you will never...Continue reading
Avoid the Holiday Blues This Season
The six weeks encompassing Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s—collectively called “the holidays”—are for most, a magically unique time of year. But for many, the holidays bring hurt. Caused by factors including the weather, separation, death, stress, unrealistic expectations, hyper-sentimentality, guilt, or overspending, holiday depression—also called the “holiday blues”—can zap the merriment out of even the...Continue reading
Here’s How Taking Selfies Could Save Your Life
Pop quiz: Who’s taken a selfie? A better question: who hasn’t taken a selfie? A recent estimate says we take 93 million selfies worldwide every day. Narcissism? Perhaps. But the real danger seems to lie in selfie-induced injuries, and even death. People (mostly young adults) have fallen off bridges and cliffs, slipped down stairs, been...Continue reading
Too Much Viagra Could Be Dangerous For Your Health
Like it or not, the ability to produce a firm erection on demand is a pretty important component of men’s identity—both to us and to our sexual partners. So when that ability wanes (as is the case for more than 30 million American men who suffer from erectile dysfunction–ED), many guys make a mad dash...Continue reading
Co-Parenting: When It Works and When It Doesn’t
Dear Mr. Dad: Last week you wrote about co-parenting strategies. But you made it sound like it’s an arrangement that works for everyone. I’m a divorce lawyer and I can assure that it doesn’t. Please explain to your readers why parents would want to co-parent in the first place, as well as when it’s likely...Continue reading
The Only Relationship You Need to Focus On: The Mind and Body One
Even when we carry on our daily routine, where we deal with familiar choices and objects, we can still notice some peculiar signs. It is a formidable thing to witness how our body and mind connect and how their relationship influences our world. Let’s try to remember how we feel when we are stressed. Usually,...Continue reading
Postpartum Depression Affects Men, Too
Dear Mr. Dad: I’m a new dad, and a month or so after our son was born, my wife started acting strangely. Thanks to an article you wrote a while back, I recognized the signs of postpartum depression—she was sleeping more than usual, putting on weight, crying a lot, losing interest in things she loved...Continue reading
Men’s Mental Health: Four Ways to Address Psychological Struggles
Mental illness affects men and women of all ages, but can be especially difficult with men. Depression, for instance, can take the form of anger rather than sadness. Traditional masculine roles also make it harder to admit weakness and seek help. However, there are ways for men to cope with mental problems. Value Success, Not...Continue reading