From the Daily Caller. Separate and unequal: Swedish Left Party says men should urinate sitting down Sweden is taking equal rights to a whole new level. The local Left Party on the Sormland County Council has advanced a motion that says men on the council should sit, rather than the more common standing, while urinating...Continue reading
Category: Well-being
Pass the “Playboy”—I Need to Relax
Years ago, I tried to explain to a girlfriend that looking at hot women was good for me—after all, I argued, a few minutes of fast breathing and increased heart rate every day would help lower my risk of having a heart attack or a stroke, just like doing aerobics or jogging would. That relationship...Continue reading
Complementary Medicine Is Used In Conjunction With Traditional Medicine, Not Instead Of
You have heard your friends toss about the phrase “complementary medicine” but you didn’t know what that meant and were too embarrassed to ask. Is this something you should know about? Yes. Complementary medicine means those techniques not considered part of conventional (standard/mainstream) medicine. These therapies are utilized in addition to or a as complement...Continue reading
Faking Orgasms? Men Do It Too. A Lot.
Who hasn’t seen—or at least heard about—the famous scene in “When Harry Met Sally” where Meg Ryan fakes an orgasm in a deli? A woman at a nearby table tells the waitress, “I’ll have what she’s having.” According to a study done by, 60 percent of women already do have exactly what Meg did:...Continue reading
The Secret to a Longer Life? Follow Directions
It seems that there’s a new study out every day proving that eating certain foods (like more veggies and less meat) or doing certain things (like getting enough exercise and sleep) can improve and/or extend your life. Reading—and thinking—are a good first step. But they’re not much unless you actually do something to make some...Continue reading
Getting Enough Exercise? Bet You’re Not
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults get at least 2 ½ hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (like walking) every week or 1 hour 15 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity (like jobbing). CDC. Also recommends that adults work on building strong muscles, too—something for all major muscle groups at least twice...
Part I: Passivity and the Male Psyche
Passivity in men has been one of the least studied, discussed, and explained aspects of masculine psychology. Understanding passivity is an essential and important key to creating healthy relationships, increasing self-esteem and healing the bodies, minds, and spirits of men who are hurting or hurting others.
Stereotypes 101, Part II: Women Prefer Big Men with Deeper Voices (and Men Prefer the Opposite in Women)
Okay, we’ve established that women find men with heavy stubble most attractive and men with full beards as the most masculine and best-suited for fatherhood. Since you’re going to be shaving less, consider spending all that free time working on dropping your voice an octave or two. Turns out that women prefer men with husky,...Continue reading
Soul Mates: Expanding Your Possibilities
I remember reaching my fiftieth birthday. I’d relocated to theSan Diegoarea, was single again, and broken-hearted. I so wanted to be with my “soulmate,” and each time I fell in love, I was sure he was “the one.” Now I’d reached “the big 5-0,” and another relationship had ended, leaving me baffled, unsettled, despairing. After...Continue reading
Stereotypes 101, Part I: Women Prefer Men with Heavy Stubble
If you’re debating whether to grow out that beard (or shave it off, if you have one), put the razor down and back away slowly. A new study has just confirmed that women prefer men with about 10 days worth of stubble over those with light stubble, a clean-shaven face, or a full beard.