Dear Mr. Dad. My husband and I have two-year-old twins—a girl and a boy—and we both love spending time with them. But I’ve noticed that he and I have very different styles, in several ways. We do different activities with the kids. And I’ve also noticed that I do a better job of treating the...Continue reading
Category: Parenting
What’s Platonic Parenting and Could It Work For You?
There are many ways to have a happy, healthy family that fall outside of the traditional nuclear family unit. Today’s diverse social climate and advanced technology have expanded the definition of family, reminding us that family is a matter of love, connection and care — rather than simply blood and marriage. Children need parents who...Continue reading
Am I Boring My Child? Probably Not.
Dear Mr. Dad: I’m a stay-at-home father and I’m committed to being very involved in my son’s life. He just turned one and we usually have a great time together, but I’m starting to get worried that he’s going to think I’m boring. What do I do to keep him entertained? A: This is definitely...Continue reading
Failure to Launch: When Adult Kids Won’t Move Out
Dear Mr. Dad: Our 28-year-old daughter lost her job a while back, and after burning through her savings, moved back in with me and my husband. That was nearly nine months ago. In the beginning, I enjoyed having her around, but at this point, she’s definitely overstayed her welcome. Not only is she giving no...Continue reading
Everything You Need for a Successful Father-Son (or -Daughter) Fishing Excursion
Some of your fondest childhood memories may be of you and your father going fishing. Today, with a son (or daughter) of your own, you want to pass down this tradition to your offpsring and keep this pastime alive. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your first father-child fishing trip: Pick...Continue reading
Why You Should #LightItUpBlue for Understanding and Acceptance of Autism
April is Autism Awareness month. People all over the globe will be Lightning It Up Blue to shine a bright light on autism during World Autism Month! So what exactly is Autism? Autism is a neurological disorder that affects an individual’s social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and repetitive or restrictive behaviors. The incidence of...Continue reading
Should Kids Have Caffeine? Uh, Nope.
Dear Mr. Dad: I have been noticing kids who look much younger than high-school age buying frapuccino-type drinks at Starbucks and similar coffee places. It worries me, because I didn’t think caffeine was good for children, and didn’t allow my own son to have any while he was a teenager. Is coffee really bad for...Continue reading
Talking with Kids About Death
Dear Mr. Dad: My father, who had been sick for quite some time, recently died. He and my 7-year old daughter were very close. Naturally, she’s sad that Gramps isn’t around anymore, but I know that she doesn’t completely get why. Do you think she’s old enough to grasp what death is? If so, what’s...Continue reading
Hey, New Dad: Here are Five Ways to Take Back Your Life
Being a dad can be tough. Finding ways to balance work, life, relationships, and time for yourself can be exhausting. As a busy dad myself, I remember what it was like when my little girl arrived. Stress was piling up at work, the days were getting longer, I was sleeping about 2-3 hours a night,...Continue reading
Having the Talk–No, Not That One, the One about Money
Dear Mr. Dad: My parents never talked with me and my siblings about money, but I’m feeling the need to give my kids—ages 4 and 7—a better financial education than I got. When’s the right time to start? A: What is it about money that no one wants to talk about it? Drugs, sex, and...Continue reading