I knew I needed a men’s group in the worst way. I had just returned to the San Francisco Bay area after a cross-country trip with my wife. We had hoped to save our marriage, but the trip nearly killed us, or rather it nearly killed me. My wife was a violent woman who slept...Continue reading
Category: Family Issues
Lost Fathers: How Deaths, Divorces, and Disconnections Impact Our Health and Happiness
Like most people, I’ve come to accept the inevitable losses in my past as part of life, something everyone experiences. As we get older we must deal with our parent’s death, the loss of friends, and other family members. But there are certain losses that have a lasting impact on our lives. As a psychotherapist...Continue reading
What Every Woman Needs to Know About Men
My wife, Carlin, invited me and my men’s group to share some of things about being a man with her women’s group. We’ve done this before and one of the things that helped women “get” men was the fishbowl process, where the men sit in the center and the women sit quietly around and just...Continue reading
Helping the New Stepmother
Dear Mr. Dad: I have three children and have been divorced for several years. My girlfriend of six months and I are thinking about getting married. But I’m concerned about her relationship with my kids. It’s not that she doesn’t like them—I’m sure she does. It’s just that she always seems shy and reserved around...Continue reading
How To Reduce Your Exposure To This Silent Killer
You may be living in a home that could be raising your risk of developing lung cancer even if you are not a smoker or live with someone who does. What is the cause? An odorless, colorless, radioactive gas called radon. Radon gas has been identified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Surgeon...Continue reading
How to Get Financially Fit: Advice from an NFL All-Pro
If life in the NFL taught me one thing, it’s this: the future comes up quicker than you think. One day, I was a first-round draft pick. The next day, I was a Pro-Bowler. The day after that I was retired and asking myself, “OK, Ken, what’s next?” Getting financially fit is no different than...Continue reading
How Does a Good Doctor Get That Good?
A patient recently referred to me as the “Doctor’s doctor.” I was honored. And it led me to think: What makes a doctor really good at doctoring? Look it Up If you look up the term “Doctor’s doctor,” you might not find a formal definition for it. Among physicians and groups that rate doctors, it...Continue reading
Special Needs Kids Need Special Dads
Dear Mr. Dad: Our 5-year-old daughter has several special needs. My wife and I love her unconditionally, but I have to admit that parenting her has affected our marriage. Part of the tension comes from the fact that she and I don’t respond to the stress the same way. Do you think there’s anything we...Continue reading
Avoid the Holiday Blues This Season
The six weeks encompassing Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s—collectively called “the holidays”—are for most, a magically unique time of year. But for many, the holidays bring hurt. Caused by factors including the weather, separation, death, stress, unrealistic expectations, hyper-sentimentality, guilt, or overspending, holiday depression—also called the “holiday blues”—can zap the merriment out of even the...Continue reading
Keep the “Healthy” in Your Holidays
It’s that time of year again—when holiday and Super Bowl parties, the winter chill, and overbooked schedules come between you and your healthy lifestyle. With some effort and planning, you can stay committed to your healthy habits, maintain your weight, and be on top of your game as you start the new year. The benefits...Continue reading