I recently had a virtual cup of coffee with Carmine Dapice, who has created a book and included workbook called “Let’s Rhyme With Time”. Carmine believes kids are losing their ability to tell time on standard clocks and watches, and hopes that parents and teachers decide to take a stand against that. The pages of...Continue reading
Category: Boys
Finding the Truth behind the Headlines
About 100 years ago, the writer and humorist Mark Twain said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
Coffee with Sam: International Travel
Have you heard of SafariHub, an exciting new London-based online travel agency that specializes in the East African region? My guess is that you haven’t–but if you love to travel with your family, it’s one you should know about. This exciting new company will offer clients an unusual range of activities including tailor made family...Continue reading
Ouch! My Muscles Hurt! 6 Tips to Remove Lactic Acid Faster
When we work out strenuously, our muscles compensate for lack of oxygen by producing lactate, a.k.a. lactic acid, which allows the muscles to utilize glucose for energy. Once lactic acid is produced, it can remain in the muscles, causing pain and soreness that usually peaks between 24-72 hours after the vigorous workout. Unfortunately, anyone who...Continue reading
Brain Exercises: Just as Important as Pumping Iron
Just as going to the gym improves your muscles more than simply walking, using mental training software is more effective than solving crossword puzzles. The infographic below, provided by Cognifit, does a great job of explaining how this works.
Sticks and Stones Hurt More Than Words? Better Think Again
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me,” is right up there with “Johnny and Julie siting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G….” and “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you” on the list of top annoying (yet endlessly repeated) childhood sayings.
Pregnancy after a Vasectomy
If you’ve had a vasectomy, you might not consider your chances of having a baby to be particularly high. However, thanks to huge advances in fertility treatment–namely PESA, TESE and ICSI–the route to fatherhood is much more achievable than it was during the mid-1990’s. A vasectomy is a permanent form of contraception for men which...Continue reading
It’s All in Your Mind. Well, at Least Some of It
Those of us who work in the health field have long been aware of the connection between mind and body and that your mental health can have a big influence on your physical heath. But there’s been very little research has explored the degree to which mental health issues affect men and women differently. A...Continue reading
Killing the Father: The Symbolic Quest of the Son
A man turns into a father all at once—no warning, no preparation, no classes. Many a woman starts turning into a mother in her early childhood. After all, she spends many hours pretending that she’s holding a baby, feeding it, changing its diapers, and nurturing it. Her doll is her someday child. At the dinner...Continue reading
Food for Thought: Zero Calorie Foods and 1,000+ Calorie Foods
We recently came across two really helpful infographics. The first shows a bunch of very low, zero-, or negative-calorie foods that may be able to help you achieve your dieting goals. The second shows almost exactly the opposite: Fast-food items with more than 1,000 calories (half or more of what most people should be consuming...Continue reading