5 Things That Campfires Teach Us

Just spent the week camping in Yellowstone Park with the family. Great big Wyoming skies, musky forest trails, spectacular Rocky mountain vistas, thunderclap-filled rain storms and, of course, campfires. Fire Light There’s a real science to campfires. Whether you prefer tipi, lean to, log cabin, Swedish fire torch or Finnish style, master campfire makers require only...Continue reading

Do My Du Mai

Is there anything as amusing as watching Dr. Paul Turek do a double take? Picture us, at the Integrative Fertility Symposium in Vancouver, sharing the podium for an East/West panel discussion on Men’s Reproductive Health, and, as often happens, the conversation takes an inevitable turn towards the male erection. We were discussing the difficulty men might...Continue reading

Are You A Gambling Man?

The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. He appeared healthy. No issues with testosterone, erections,or sex drive. No infertility problem. No pain. No lumps or bumps. All dialed in with a primary care provider. He was even on time for his appointment. So, why was he here? “Doc, I’m 40...Continue reading

It’s Men’s Health Month: Time to Tend to Your Man’s Health

by Elizabeth Battaglino, RN, CEO of HealthyWomen In 1994, Congress passed a bill to institute the week ending in Father’s Day as National Men’s Week, and all of June is celebrated as Men’s Health Month. Since that time, it’s been wonderful to see hundreds of workplaces, health care professionals, sports franchises and other institutions encouraging...Continue reading

How Lack of Sleep Affects Testosterone in Men

Read more from Dr. Primas here – www.travelmd.com It is often said “Youth is wasted on the young”.  A notable quote, however, I believe that opportunities for personal growth and continuous improvement can happen at any age and not be wasted, missed opportunities. In my practice, I encounter many men of all ages with low testosterone...Continue reading

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