<em>Dear Mr. Dad: A few years ago, I read an article you wrote about why dads should play with their daughters. My husband is a pretty traditional guy and has a real problem playing with our four-year old the way she wants to play—meaning tea parties and dolls—not the way he does—meaning sports and superheroes....Continue reading
Category: Boys
Why You Shouldn’t Tell Your Children They’re Extremely Talented
Is your daughter the brightest math student in her class? Do your son’s piano skills outpace everyone in his peer group? If so, you’re likely already thinking about how fostering your child’s natural talent could lead to great accomplishments and happiness. But if future success is in store, one of the best ways to set...Continue reading
June Is Men’s Health Month—Get Involved
Did you know there was a month entirely dedicated to raising awareness for issues impacting the health and wellness of men and boys? June will honor the 23rd annual Men’s Health Month. The month also coincides with Men’s Health Week (June 12-18), a special awareness period created by Congress, and the #ShowUsYourBlue campaign on June...Continue reading
Is There a “Right” Way to Play with Kids? Ah, Nope.
Dear Mr. Dad. My husband and I have two-year-old twins—a girl and a boy—and we both love spending time with them. But I’ve noticed that he and I have very different styles, in several ways. We do different activities with the kids. And I’ve also noticed that I do a better job of treating the...Continue reading
Everything You Need for a Successful Father-Son (or -Daughter) Fishing Excursion
Some of your fondest childhood memories may be of you and your father going fishing. Today, with a son (or daughter) of your own, you want to pass down this tradition to your offpsring and keep this pastime alive. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your first father-child fishing trip: Pick...Continue reading
Testosterone: 10 Surprising Things Every Woman and Man Needs to Know
In her book, Eve’s Rib: The New Science of Gender-Specific Medicine Marianne J. Legato M.D says, “Everywhere we look, the two sexes are startlingly and unexpectedly different not only in their internal function but in the way they experience illness.” To begin with there are 10 trillion cells in the human body and every one...Continue reading
What Men Want More Than Sex But Are Terrified to Admit
My recent article, “The One Thing Men Want More Than Sex” has garnered more than 400,000 readers on the Good Men Project and my own site, MenAlive.com. Given the responses I received, it is a topic that resonates deeply with men and women. Since I only write about things that I’m interested in, I’ll say...Continue reading
How Porn Addiction Affects Our Relationships
Since the advent of the internet age, access to pornography has grown exponentially. A few decades ago, access to pornography was restricted to top-shelf magazines, and sex shops selling pornagraphic movies and other matierials. Nowadays, we can access pornangraphic sites with unlimited free content, at the click of a button. With this increase in available...Continue reading
Public Health in Action: An Interview with Dr. James Leone
A man was fishing in the river when he noticed someone was drowning. He pulled them out and attempted to resuscitate them. Shortly afterwards, he noticed another person in the river and saved them too. He then noticed another, and another and another. Soon he was exhausted and realized he would not be able save...Continue reading
Why Women Are Attracted to Clean-Cut Men
A recent study carried out by Gillette in collaboration with Tinder, found that the majority of Tinder’s likes or right swipe, went to beardless or no facial hair men. The revelation that women feel markedly greater attraction toward clean-cut males than their unshaven counterparts made us ask ourselves: why are women attracted to clean cut...Continue reading