good men manifesto, part 2

The Good Men Manifesto Part 2: The Evolutionary Importance of Males and Females

About Sex: The Evolutionary Importance of Males and Females There is a lot of confusion about what it means to be male or female these days. Masculinity today is maligned and misunderstood. Some believe maleness itself is inherently destructive and should be eliminated. Others view males as superfluous. This idea is reflected in the witticism,...Continue reading

prescription rebates

Prescription Drug Concessions and Rebates: Keeping the Focus on the Patient

Virtually anyone in America who takes a prescription medication has that medication processed and paid for through a for-profit business called a Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM) company.  These companies provide a very valuable service in the transaction between your local pharmacy and the health insurers or other payers like state or federal health programs I...Continue reading

What Women Want to Know About Vasectomy Reversals

I see a lot of couples for vasectomy reversal procedures. As they gather information before proceeding, typically the partner, not the patient, fires off most of the questions. These queries come in two forms: questions directed at me and those having to do with the procedure. The Dirty Dozen Thank goodness that I’m a data-driven-doctor, because my...Continue reading

Setting the Costs of Medicines: Government Price Arbitration Is Dicey Policy

We are all concerned about the cost of medications.  As the leading health advocacy and education non-profit for advancing the comprehensive health of boys and men in America, Men’s Health Network (MHN) focuses on policy issues and strategies to help enhance the health of boys and men. Medications are one of the most cost-effective ways...Continue reading

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