metastatic bone disease

Experiencing Odd Aches and Pains? When to Ask About Cancer and Metastatic Bone Disease

An achy bone. Constipation. Severe thirst. While these symptoms might not seem to have anything in common, they can all signify more serious conditions, including Metastatic Bone Disease (MBD). Many cancers that start in one place can spread (metastasize) to other areas of the body. When it spreads to the bone, it’s called MBD.Continue reading

stages of love

The 5 Stages of Love and Why Most Relationships Hit the Wall at Stage 3: What A Man Must Do to Save His Marriage

Old stereotypes would have us believe that women are more focused on relationships than men, but I have found that is not true, though men and women do see marriage through different lenses. A loving, intimate, and joyful marriage is just as important to men as it is to women. It is also just as...Continue reading

Can Mindfulness Impact Your Biology When You’re Fighting Cancer?

The following is adapted from Cancer: The Journey from Diagnosis to Empowerment. After being diagnosed with cancer, you’ve probably heard people say, “Think positive thoughts.” They talk about the mind-body connection and how reducing your stress can help you heal.  But can being mindful of your thoughts and emotions really affect your biology in the...Continue reading

father earth

The Resurrection of Father Earth and the Return of True Partnership Between Men and Women

I was introduced to Father Earth in 1993 and wrote about my experience in an article, “The Resurrection of Father Earth and the Return of True Partnership Between Men and Women.” Since then my life has never been the same. When Clarissa Pinkola Estes, author of Women Who Run With The Wolves, offered her poem, chills ran down my...Continue reading

birth rate and pandemic

What Happens to Birth Rates During Pandemics?

At first glance, you’d think that staying at home (by law) during the COVID-19 pandemic would mean more babies being born. After all, conception rates are seasonal, with the highest rates occurring during the winter months when we’re all huddled inside. Romance and sex are all about contact time, right? Turns out, it’s a bit more complicated...Continue reading

solving people problems

The Ultimate Guide for Solving People-Problems: Hint, All Problems Are People-Problems

No one has to tell you that we face a host of problems in the world today, everything from the global Coronavirus pandemic to global warming; increasing anxiety and depression to a collapsing economy; racism and police violence to divorce and domestic violence. Think of any problem that needs to be solved and you’ll find...Continue reading

semen analysis

Where You Get Your Semen Analysis Done Matters

Quick question. Which matters more: How you collect your semen sample or who analyzes it? Correct, it’s who you give it to that matters more. Barring major interruptions or large faults in technique, collecting semen is basically triggering a spinal reflex that’s pretty consistent in humans, kind of like a light switch. But to properly...Continue reading

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