Sometimes Getting a “D” in Nutrition is Exactly What You Want

Three recent studies highlight growing recognition of the importance of vitamin D. First, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh found that pregnant women with low levels of vitamin D are more likely than those with normal D levels to give birth to low-birthweight babies. That’s especially important because, babies born at less-than-optimal birth weights are...Continue reading

Nurturing Is For Men Too

Many men in our fast-paced, production-oriented culture have no experience of what being truly nurtured feels like.  Being able to nurture yourself is the heart of renewal. The nurturing process is essential to an open, clear, free mind, as well as being the foundation for a supple, resilient, unstressed physical body, and for emotional stability....Continue reading

Could You Be Twice the Man You Think You Are?

I recently did a post on how parents of overweight and obese children routinely underestimate just how overweight their kids are. A recent study from Ireland has found that overweight adults are at least as clueless (or in denial) about their own weight. And they get less and less accurate over time. Over the course...Continue reading

Does Your Spouse Have Breast Cancer? You Need to Know This (and So Does She)

Over the past decade, women who’ve received a dreaded diagnosis of breast cancer, have tended to choose mastectomy (removal of the breast)—even in the case of small or early-stage cancers. However, women who combined a lumpectomy (removal of only the tumor) with radiation had significantly higher survival rates than those who opted for the mastectomy.Continue reading

Too Much of a Good Thing, Part 1: Testosterone, Prostate Cancer, and Baldness

Men whose hairlines have drastically receded early in life have a significantly higher risk of developing prostate cancer later on. But before you jump to any conclusions, understand that this is one of those causation-vs.-correlation things. In other words, baldness doesn’t cause prostate cancer and prostate cancer doesn’t cause baldness. But it appears that the...Continue reading

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