Two Flights Of Stairs A Day — The Heart Healthy Prescription For Sex

Heart disease is pervasive in the United States, representing a substantial health concern. Over 17 million Americans have the condition, including 8.5 million people who have had a heart attack. In fact, heart disease is the number one cause of mortality for women. For the many that live with heart disease, questions frequently arise regarding...

Stereotypes 101, Part II: Women Prefer Big Men with Deeper Voices (and Men Prefer the Opposite in Women)

Okay, we’ve established that women find men with heavy stubble most attractive and men with full beards as the most masculine and best-suited for fatherhood. Since you’re going to be shaving less, consider spending all that free time working on dropping your voice an octave or two. Turns out that women prefer men with husky,...Continue reading

Mice Sperm in a Dish

It’s not the mother load of discoveries in our field, but it’s pretty close. It tells us that the mother load is definitely out there…and within reach. Yup, the good news is that real. live, old-fashioned sperm were made in a dish… at least for mice.

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