Meatless Monday Offers 10 Hot Tips For Tasty Summer Grilling That’ll Get You Fired Up For A Healthy BBQ Season

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy delicious, sizzling meals straight off the grill!  As you get set to fire up your BBQ, instead of the usual meat-focused fare, cook up some grilled veggies instead.  Giving up meat doesn’t mean having to give up smoky barbecue flavor.  Vegetables are amazing on the grill, plus meatless...Continue reading

The Beauty of Belts

Regardless of what kind of shoes you wear, try this: bend down and pretend you’re tying your shoes. If you can’t see the toes of your shoes, there’s a good chance that your testosterone level is low. And, you could probably be healthier. When weight goes up, testosterone goes down. And belly weight is really not the healthiest weight...Continue reading

Understanding the New PSA Testing Guidelines

Recently the American Urological Association (AUA) announced new guidelines for prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing.  These guidelines were designed to help urologists, and ultimately patients, reduce prostate cancer mortality by making informed screening decisions.  These recommendations were based on comprehensive literature reviews and the strength of the existing evidence. 

Complementary Medicine Is Used In Conjunction With Traditional Medicine, Not Instead Of

You have heard your friends toss about the phrase “complementary medicine” but you didn’t know what that meant and were too embarrassed to ask. Is this something you should know about? Yes. Complementary medicine means those techniques not considered part of conventional (standard/mainstream) medicine. These therapies are utilized in addition to or a as complement...Continue reading

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