Groin pain and swelling could be a red flag for men and potentially indicate many different conditions. It is important to know what these conditions are since they can range from kidney stones to cancers, and to be able to identify when something is wrong. Not only can this be worrisome to any man experiencing...Continue reading
Cycling Toward Childlessness?
She looks at me earnestly, searching for approval and says: “I’ve made sure that he stopped bicycling as I have read that it’s bad for his fertility, right?” Not so fast. Saddle Sore There is hard data to suggest that bicycling long enough can impair erections, especially if the saddle results in pelvic numbness. But fertility? Not the...Continue reading
An Interview with Dr. Jeffry Life
Sixteen years ago, Dr. Jeffry Life was practicing family medicine in Pennsylvania. He was overweight, a borderline diabetic, and so out of shape that he got winded climbing a single flight of stairs. “I wasn’t a very good role model for my patients,” he says. At the suggestion of one of those patients, Life started...Continue reading
Men Are (Really Quite) Complicated
He stared back at me, his face blank. He didn’t like my answer. We had examined the known genetic causes of azoospermia and had come up dry. “I really don’t know why you’re azoospermic, but I’d say it’s still very likely to be genetic, but currently undefined.” Not much to work with, but it’s where we are at...Continue reading
The New Prostate Health Index Test
In 2003, 220,900 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed. This number is estimated to reach 450,000 by 2015. In order to diagnose these new cases, there are roughly 1.5 million prostate biopsies per year with about 25 million men who have had at least one negative biopsy. How can we improve diagnosis and treat...
Taking Skin Out of the Game
“I think I need to be cut, Doc.” He was 18-years old and his sexuality was flowering. I really couldn’t think of even half a reason to do a circumcision on him. But then he went on: “It’s getting hard to pee, and it hurts to have sex.” Ok, so maybe something really is going on. I...Continue reading
The Oldest Sperm on Earth
Imagine that: 20 million year old sperm! You think you’re good…how’s that for longevity? They may be petrified, but hey, they made it all the way to modern times. The fossilized fighters were found in an ancient cave in Australia and recently reported (read the Los Angeles Times take here) as the oldest ever found on this good earth. And guess what...Continue reading
Hormone Therapy Ineffective for Older Men
Researchers at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey recently conducted an extensive review regarding hormone therapy and how it affects prostate cancer patients. Results, which were published last month, found hormone therapy to be ineffective in treating prostate cancer and in improving quality of life for older patients. This is the first long-term study to...Continue reading
Four Fun and Fearless Father-Son Adventures
As most dads of teenage boys know quite well, the teen years can have their share of ups and downs. Although most dads would love to spend some extra special quality time with their sons in order to stay connected and close, they might not be sure what to do. While heading out to a...Continue reading
Edema: Causes and Treatments
Edema, is swelling that’s caused by excess fluid building up in your body. As the fluid accumulates inside the blood and lymph vessels, it gets pushed out and into the surrounding tissues. The tissues absorb the fluid like a sponge and begins to swell. Edema can occur anywhere in your body, including your organs, but...Continue reading