A Federal Focus on Fatherhood

Apt parenting is at the very core of our social construct, and the paternal role is a vital linkage in this fabric. Beyond the mere biological need to reproduce, we unequivocally understand that the father figure has nothing less than an obligation to protect, nurture, guide, and edify their young into capable independence. And, this commitment undoubtedly solidifies into unparalleled achievement; a recent Rasmussen Report found 71% of American adults continue to believe that fatherhood is the most important role a man can fill.

Realizing the fundamental essence of fatherhood, it is no mistake that the closing of Men’s Health Week lies on Father’s Day. Today, the accomplishments of men’s health advocates and fathers everywhere will be nationally recognized as the House votes to pass H.Con.Res. 288 – Supporting National Men’s Health Week (Rep. Cummings).

The Obama Administration has also made fatherhood a priority. The proposed FY2011 budget includes $500 million for a new Fatherhood, Marriage, and Families Innovation Fund that would be geared towards programs to strengthen families and would provide funds for transitional employment programs for unemployed, non-custodial parents. In collaboration with the NFL Players’ Association and the national PTA, the President also recently launched a new Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative where people can sign up to receive e-newsletters containing information and mentoring tips from fatherhood and family leaders. Join the Initiative at www.fatherhood.gov/initative.

I would like to personally thank all our readers for their continued awareness and support of fatherhood initiatives such as these, and most importantly I want to wish my mentor, hero, and dad a very happy Father’s Day for guiding me on the path to manhood.

Armin Brott

View posts by Armin Brott
Armin Brott is the proud father of three, a former U.S. Marine, a best-selling author, radio host, speaker, and one of the country’s leading experts on fatherhood. He writes frequently about fatherhood, families, and men's health. Read more about Armin or visit his website, mrdad.com. You can also connect via social media: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,  and Linkedin.


  1. Claude Edwin TheriaultJune 29, 2010

    Very well written article I especially liked the importance of the paternal role is a vital linkage in this fabric part , since it is missing a lot; for many.

  2. Guys are okayJuly 1, 2010

    “… I want to wish my mentor, hero, and dad a very happy Father’s Day for guiding me on the path to manhood.” Very nice. the author’s father must be very proud of hsi son.

  3. George R. McCaslandJuly 1, 2010

    That $500 million should go toward more equal enforcement of visitation and access rights. The biggest problem with men not being involved with their children is they were raised by single mothers who taught them that men don’t count during the Clinton “A Village Raises A Child” period when they were trying to show fathers were not needed for anything except a wallet.

  4. Ahsan SayedJuly 14, 2010

    Its heartening to see that fatherhood is finally being given some attention. Few men in out times, aspire to be responsible fathers.

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