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absent father wound

What Your Therapist Never Taught You About the Absent Father Wound

I’m a therapist specializing in helping men and the families who love them. I’ve been seeing people for more than 40 years, but it has only been in recent years that I’ve come to recognize the importance of the absent father wound on the lives of men and women. When I was five years old, my mid-life... CONTINUE READING

zika and sex

Ebola, Zika, Sex and You

What’s happened with the recent outbreaks of Ebola and Zika? You might be a tad interested, given that Ebola kills 50% of those infected and Zika wreaks havoc on the newborn children of pregnant moms. Much like HIV, these bugs are two of the heavy hitters in the world of viruses. And they are all transmitted through sex. Great.... CONTINUE READING