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get your gut back to normal

Natural Ways to Get Your Gut Back to Normal

Digestion problems affect more than just your gut. A healthy digestive system is necessary for feeling energized throughout the day, and a weak gut can lead to appetite problems, less energy, plus dry skin and many more issues. Men especially seem to suffer from indigestion, heartburn, gas, and other gastrointestinal issues. With these top tips,... CONTINUE READING

numbers to watch

Six Numbers That Will Change Your Life

We all have numbers that are important to us. Our anniversary date, the number of friends and family we will invite to our daughter’s wedding, maybe even the number of calories per day we’re going to try and maintain through our next (and this time it’s going to work) diet. But there are six numbers... CONTINUE READING

balance hormones with diet and exercise

How Everyday Men Can Balance Their Hormones with Diet and Exercise

While most often women are associated with hormone fluctuations due to pregnancy, periods, or menopause, men are equally affected by these difficult-to-understand chemicals. Not only do they affect emotions, but hormones can also make a man feel and appear years older than he is. While it’s natural for hormones to fluctuate over periods of time,... CONTINUE READING

Ways Improving Healthcare For The Elderly Is Having A Lasting Impact

Three Ways Improving Healthcare for the Elderly Is Having a Lasting Impact

The aging population is one that is sometimes neglected when it comes to proper healthcare. Fortunately, there have been some recent changes, especially from Medicare, that have had a lasting impact. These changes impact not only the lives of the elderly but the families of those senior citizens as well. Keep in mind that healthcare... CONTINUE READING

recognizing colorectal cancer

Colorectal Cancer: What Gen-Xers and Millennials Need to Know

Yale Medicine doctors warn that people as young as age 20 need to be aware of the warning signs. Nobody in their 20s, 30s or 40s gets colorectal cancer, right? Wrong. The truth is that colorectal cancer is on the rise in young adults, and has been for years. That’s why Yale Medicine surgeons who treat... CONTINUE READING


Why Men Avoid Healthcare: The Elephant in the Room

There have been numerous campaigns encouraging men to have testicular exams, prostate exams, and routine physicals in hopes of finding problems at an early stage when they might be more readily addressed. Despite those efforts many men still avoid healthcare until they have a problem that just can’t be avoided any longer. Why? Often it... CONTINUE READING

Healthy Meatless Meals for Back to School

For parents, this time of year is all about getting the kids ready to go back to school. But August is not only the return to school supplies and changing schedules, it’s also a time to re-examine what we’re feeding our families. When packing your child’s lunch (and your own), aim for meals rich in vegetables,... CONTINUE READING

men do yoga

Seven Reasons Men Should Do Yoga

When I was growing up there were certain things that boys did and other things reserved for girls. Boy sports included boxing, basketball, and football. Girl sports…Well, girls weren’t encouraged to engage in sports at all. They were the pretty cheer leaders who did back flips when we scored a touchdown. They were the ones... CONTINUE READING