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gluteh vs wheat

Is The Anti-Gluten Frenzy About To Be Countered By A Pro-Wheat Comeback?

Americans at one time lived their lives utterly unconcerned about the gluten in their diets. But an anti-gluten craze that erupted in the last decade has become so prominent that it spawned a $16-billion-a-year industry. Gluten became branded as the enemy of good health, bestselling books scared the public away from wheat, and foods marketed... CONTINUE READING

hockey stick shaped sperm

The Shape of Things to Come

It’s funny how we tend to find patterns in things. Left alone, we tend to gather, order, and number everything we can. Take the stars in the sky. Or the stock market. Even gambling. I loved it when I talked to my parents after an academic trip overseas. Here’s how it would start: “How long was... CONTINUE READING

carbon monoxide poisoning pixabay

Effects of Carbon Monoxide on Your Mind and Body

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas found in combustion fumes. Everyone is exposed to small amounts of carbon monoxide daily, but inhaling too much can lead to serious illness and even death. Common sources of CO are: fireplaces vehicle engines heaters portable generators charcoal grills gas water heaters propane stoves car mufflers... CONTINUE READING

benefits of sleep

Five Benefits of Getting the Sleep Your Body Needs

It’s no secret the way to feel your best every day is to get the right amount of sleep every night. How much is “the right amount”? Seven to nine hours, according to the National Sleep Foundation. For some people, that’s a big challenge. But we think that knowing about some of the specific benefits... CONTINUE READING

nd - male menopause

Male Menopause: The Third Hidden Cause of Mid-Life Marriage Meltdown

“If menopause is the silent passage,” says author Gail Sheehy, “Male menopause is the unspeakable passage. It is fraught with secrecy, shame, and denial. It is much more fundamental than the ending of the fertile period of a woman’s life, because it strikes at the core of what it is to be a man.” When... CONTINUE READING

Permission to Exercise Is Granted (to Yourself!) How to Overcome Misplaced Guilt.

This article was originally published at OlderBeast, whose mission is to help 40+ guys “double down” on body-and-soul health for the 2nd half of their life. Taking care of yourself, to maximize the second half of life, is a constant challenge. It keeps reappearing in different ways – no matter how healthy and motivated you are.... CONTINUE READING