Erectile Dysfunction And What To Do

This time of year usually has some love still lingering in the air, but sadly for some men it is not as romantic as it ought to be. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a fairly common problem that many men across the world experience. It is said that one in four men under the age of forty experience this issue. It can have a major impact on a person’s confidence and really start to affect a relationship. We wanted to figure out what are some of the causes behind ED and what type of treatment can be done for this. No need to panic, there are plenty of options out there to handle this situation.



ED can be brought on by many different circumstances. Luckily, many of these causes are often onset by things that can be easily fixed. First of all, if you are smoking cigarettes or using recreational drugs, this is something that you should try to quit as soon as possible. They cut down on the air that your lungs are able to take in, which lowers your stamina and endurance. Also, they place toxic chemicals into your cardiovascular system which lowers the blood flow to your penis. Recreational drugs, antidepressants, and blood pressure medications assist in altering hormones in your body and blood circulation, which can increase your chances of having erectile dysfunction.

Stress is something that can creep into all our lives. From relationships with friends and family, to jobs, to money, feeling stressed can really weigh on you and your health. Combined with a lack of a sleep, energy, and exercise your sexual drive could head downhill quickly.



Fortunately, there has been plenty of research on improving the issue of ED. It begins with taking care of your stress, which could be done by taking up a new hobby, getting some exercise, or going to sleep an hour earlier.  Every small change you make  will ultimately help guide you down the path of having a big gain. For those that are a little bit on the techy side, Headspace is a free app for your phone or tablet that helps you meditate. In only a few minutes, it can help you to clear your mind, lower your blood pressure, and improve your overall mood. All of these are vitally important when trying to eliminate the causes of ED.

Another idea would be to switch up your diet. Some people believe that healthy food is the best kind of medicine In an article posted by Everyday Health, a study was conducted that showed men who ate pistachio nuts every day for three weeks experienced a “significant improvement in sexual issues, including ED, sexual desire, and overall sexual satisfaction.” Arginine is a type of protein that is found in the nuts that has been effective in relaxing blood vessels. They also help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure without side effects.

While improving your diet and living a healthier lifestyle can help the issue of ED in a natural way, there are also medications that can help. Although men aren’t typically fans of going to see a doctor, there are ways outside of making an appointment with your physician. Hims is a new company online that allows you to reach out to a team of doctors to be prescribed Sildenafil, also known as generic Viagra. Sildenafil helps to send blood to the parts of the body that are critical for sustained and enhanced sexual performance. Once you answer the questions from the clinical advisors, the product will be delivered to your home discreetly. There is no awkward face-to-face interaction or appointments made at the doctors office.

Dealing with ED is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, and there are plenty of ways to overcome it.. It is fairly common in men and once you are able to seek treatment, there are plenty of ways to get back on track.



Armin Brott

View posts by Armin Brott
Armin Brott is the proud father of three, a former U.S. Marine, a best-selling author, radio host, speaker, and one of the country’s leading experts on fatherhood. He writes frequently about fatherhood, families, and men's health. Read more about Armin or visit his website, You can also connect via social media: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,  and Linkedin.

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