“Why’d You Pull Me Over, Officer? I Didn’t Do Anything,”

Cops who pull drivers over for traffic violations have heard every excuse imaginable—and some that probably aren’t. In most cases, the driver pleads ignorance (I didn’t know, I didn’t see it, who, me?), but the kind of claimed ignorance depends on whether the driver is a man or a woman, according to Insurance.com’s latest “Ticketmaster”...Continue reading

Being Obese in Your 20s Can Cut Your Life Short–by a Lot

We all know that being obese increases your risk of developing all sorts of potentially deadly health conditions, including blood clots, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, and more. Most people think that those risks might reduce your lifespan by a few years—apparently not enough to shock overweight and obese people into changing their behavior. But new...Continue reading

Stereotypes 101, Part II: Women Prefer Big Men with Deeper Voices (and Men Prefer the Opposite in Women)

Okay, we’ve established that women find men with heavy stubble most attractive and men with full beards as the most masculine and best-suited for fatherhood. Since you’re going to be shaving less, consider spending all that free time working on dropping your voice an octave or two. Turns out that women prefer men with husky,...Continue reading

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