There are few things more satisfying than watching a rival quarterback receive a blind-side sack or seeing your team’s DB lay out a receiver on an incomplete pass in slow-mo. Of course, this is only true as long as the recipient is able to get up and walk off the field, as nobody would actually...Continue reading
Category: New Again
HPV Not Your Problem? Think Of Yourself As A Disease Reservoir
We, as a species, seem to spend a great deal of time blaming others for our problems and nowhere is this truer than when referring to health. Whether it is patients blaming doctors, doctors blaming government, government blaming insurance companies, the finger is always pointed at someone else. This is something that needs to change. ...Continue reading
Sleep, That Unconscious Feeling You Get Sometimes
We all wish there were more hours in a day. A little more time with our families, a few more hours of daylight to play another game of tackle football with our buddies, just an hour more to complete that last level on the new Call of Duty video game. Unfortunately most often the thing...Continue reading