Treatment Options For Prostate Cancer

Active Surveillance/Watchful Waiting These are not types of treatment, but ways to monitor prostate cancer when it is very low-risk or slow growing. During active surveillance or watchful waiting, your doctor will keep track of the prostate cancer using various tests including a PSA blood test, digital rectal exam, and ultrasound. If the prostate cancer...Continue reading

Treatment options for patients with ejaculatory dysfunction

By, Matthew Coward, M.D., Department of Urology, University of North Carolina   Despite much less attention than erectile dysfunction and other male fertility problems, ejaculatory dysfunction can be one of the most frustrating sexual symptoms a patient can experience.. The purpose of ejaculation is to deposit sperm into the vagina for reproduction, and most men...Continue reading

Be a man and take a stand: 3 health risks men should start talking about

Crossing the finish line on Drive for Men’s Health Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt and Dr. Sijo Parekattil, Co-Directors of The PUR Clinic (Personalized Urology & Robotics Clinic at South Lake Hospital, in affiliation with Orlando Health) contributed this post to Talking About Men’s Health  Men’s Health Month is a time to encourage men to get regular health...Continue reading

To all men: It’s time for a tune-up

Driving for men to drive home the point that men’s health matters Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt and Dr. Sijo Parekattil, Co-Directors of The PUR Clinic (Personalized Urology & Robotics Clinic at South Lake Hospital, in affiliation with Orlando Health) contributed this post to Talking About Men’s Health  10 days, 70 locations, 6,000 miles, and one goal:...Continue reading

Father’s Day: Get Screened For Prostate Cancer

With Father’s Day coming up this Sunday, many wives, children, and families will be searching the perfect gift to give a father that shows them how much they appreciate them. The best gift you can give a person is their health and well-being. Being that prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men,...Continue reading

Cross-country Road Trip Drives Home Urgent Point: Men Need to Make Health a Priority

  Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt and Dr. Sijo Parekattil, Co-Directors of The PUR Clinic (Personalized Urology & Robotics Clinic at South Lake Hospital, in affiliation with Orlando Health) contributed this post to Talking About Men’s Health  It’s no secret that most men don’t like going to the doctor. Admittedly, there are times even I avoid it....Continue reading

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